Monday, January 16, 2012

Announcements1 1/10/2012

Greetings Human Beings. Welcome back from Winter Break, I hope you had a fantastic holiday season and, if you are a non-believer or an adherent to a religion that has no major holidays this time of year, I hope you enjoyed your days off. Because this set of announcements is part of the inaugural online edition of Greendale Weekly, I'd like to read a quote that really sums up the spirit of Greendale. This is from a speech at the U.N. given by the Admiral William Obama from Battlestar Galactica, Mr. Edward James Olmos. Did I just call him Obama? Admiral Adama. Thank God Trevor didn't hear that. Admiral Adama says "Latino," but I'm just going to leave it out because the sentiment applies to everyone. I mean, it makes a little less sense when you leave it out, but you will still get the meaning. Quote, "There is no such thing as [] race, there never has been, there never has been. There never will be..." I'm going to leave this part about the tv show out too. "There never will be. There is only one race.... That is the human being period." That can't be right. I mean who actually ends their sentences with the word "period"? Or should I say, "who actually ends their sentences with the word "period" question mark? Oh, that's silly.

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